Art…It’s Definitely For You

Art has been a fundamental part of human expression for as long as we can remember. It's how we communicate and share our stories, whether through poetry, prose, painting, photography, music, or dance. Art is a form of self-expression and a powerful catalyst for change. Furthermore, engaging in artistic activities has been shown to have a positive impact on an individual's health. Regular participation in art can be both therapeutic and stress-relieving.

Art provides a safe space and medium for expressing thoughts and feelings. One of the beautiful aspects of art is its versatility and creativity. Engaging with art allows individuals to explore different mediums and perspectives, leading to new ideas and self-discovery. Additionally, art fosters connection. Immersing yourself in the arts can lead to new social meet-ups and opportunities to meet like-minded individuals.

The beauty of art is that everyone participates in it in their own unique way. Everyone is creative and drawn to art for different reasons, which is why many are attracted to spaces like the Alcove Centre for the Arts. Alcove serves as a safe haven for those who want to explore their artistic potential and connect with others who share their passion.

The centre offers programs and workshops that cater to different types of individuals and interests, whether you are a beginner or an expert. These programs bring together people from various artistic communities, including singers, painters, and poets, providing a space that celebrates their chosen art forms.

I came across a study exploring the benefits of participating in the arts for older adults' well-being. Here are three major reasons why art is beneficial for our well-being:

  1. Community: Participating in art fosters a sense of community. Meeting fellow artists who share your passion creates a sense of belonging and friendship. Alcove promotes community through their events like their weekly Jam Sessions on Thursdays, a beautiful show of musical collaboration open to everyone, no matter how musically skilled you are. There are few better ways to bring the community together than playing music together.

  2. Self-Discovery: Creating art allows individuals to express emotions and thoughts that might be difficult to articulate verbally. Through various mediums such as painting, writing, or music, people can externalize their inner experiences, leading to a deeper understanding of their feelings and perspectives. Alcove provides an environment that supports self-discovery through workshops facilitated by accomplished artists. One memorable workshop I attended was on spoken word poetry, which rekindled my love for writing poetry and the cathartic process it entails. A past workshop called, Cultural Reflections Art Circle offered a perfect opportunity to reconnect with ourselves through art. Creating art can be a reflection of our past selves and a tool for discovering our preferences, growth, and artistic inclinations. Art is a powerful medium for self-discovery, allowing us to create something meaningful to us.

  3. Mental Health: Art is a valuable tool for mental health. Some therapies incorporate art to help individuals express their feelings. Using a creative outlet to showcase emotions can have a profound positive impact on mental health. Alcove's drop-in art space is an excellent resource for this purpose. It offers a peaceful place to exist and create art, providing a calming environment conducive to creativity. Knowing there is a place to calm my mind and be as creative as I wish fills me with serenity.

Art is a vital part of my life and well-being, serving as a profound source of expression, reflection, and growth. It allows me to navigate my emotions and understand myself better. I am incredibly fortunate to have Alcove Centre for the Arts as a supportive haven where I can freely explore and develop my creativity. Alcove provides a nurturing environment that fosters artistic exploration and connects me with a community of like-minded individuals. This sense of belonging and the opportunity to engage in diverse artistic practices have been instrumental in enhancing my overall experience living in Calgary.

Written By: Neamat Ahmed 

Alcove: Your New Third Place